Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mending lose ends

I was writing in my tumblr blog today and as i was i realized that i had another blog on the internet. A remarkable thing, the internet is, even if you forget, the internet always reserves your contribution to its endless web of information. Your thoughts, feelings, images, videos..will never die. I have chosen the internet to be my second brain. As strange as that sounds people are doing the same. I will be blogging a lot more often that i haven't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Crime In lomita village

My phone woke me up this morning, it was quite annoying, but answered to txt i received and i started getting excited because my friend stephanie was going to pick me up and i was going to do some photos for her. So then later on i get the msg back after i'm all ready to go that my friend didn't have the car... jeez that just shot my day down just like that.

Then later i notice 7 patrol cars outside my house, looks real intence then i manage see when they got all out and traveled down the road as a gang to do who knows what? so i just ran outside and took a couple off snaps of the patrol cars lined down the road i live on. I thought it was so odd, what happened. Turns out that they arrested a women who was selling drugs at her house and was hevily armed. I really wanted to follow the cops to see if i could get some good photos..but i didn't wanna risk it.

My day was not at all what i wanted it to be.
It was quite cold in sunny san diego.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well today i had big plans.. but nothing turns out as planned at times. So i awoke to find some insperation to use my tripod and the technique of directing the flash toward my face and having it light up my face, before doing this i was looking at photos of people taking self-portraits of themselfs and their Nikon D80's so i aspired upon this and decided to create one of my own. 
Heres on of mine. Its the sameone as the one as my icon. But this ones in color and cropped down a bit. 

I also visted a friend who lives by me he wanted to come out and take photos for him so i got all my stuff together. I headed over there at around 3 and when i got their realized that i forgot my battery which was charging. Well i didnt want to walk all the way back to my house to go get it so i just stayed their and played music and conversed with him about relationships and watched some standup by lewis black omg funny stuff, you should really check it out! 

I talked with an old friend who lives in florida tonight and was really glad she hasen't forgot me. We have been talk for quite awhile and im really happy we still are. I hope to meet her soon. Its one of my goals, because she means so much too me! 

We take so much for granted in this world of greed and coruption. Live life :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My first post.

Im 17. Im in my senior year in highschool. I wish i had more of a life. I really want to do what i love in life, which is photography. I want to make this a profession, anything that has to deal with capturing images. The camera mimic's the human eye in so many ways, it may not be as dynamic as our eyes but the camera can capture things we dont normaly see. 

"My own eyes are no more than scouts on a preliminary search, for the camera's eye may entirely change my idea." -Edward Weston

I will probabily be posting more photos in the next few days. Please support and subscribe to my blog. Ill check yours as well, if you do.